Sneak peak at my latest project. This is a work in progress, this page will be updated when new images come in!
I have been thinking about going out of my photographic comfort zone for a while. Epic landscapes, firy sunrises, iconic views... I still love them and I will continue to shoot them. But I wanted to find a way to do something more personal and different from my usual stuff. Since I moved to Los Angeles 3.5 years ago, I have been fascinated by the architecture of this city. Not only by the landmarks and architectural masterpieces that abound but also by the more underrated, less protected everyday places with their own special charm.
As a fan of midcentury modern architecture, I enjoy looking for hidden gems in every part of the city. This is how the quest for the coolest liquor stores started. Why liquor stores? First they are everywhere, each comes with its own style and often quircky name and I like the shaddy, sometimes bizarre atmosphere around them. And their neon signs look so cool at dusk!
I put together a map and started driving around the city to begin what is my very first "series" of photographs. Every time I get the shot I like, the pin turns green on the map below.
So this is work in progress and I will update the map (and the gallery) when new liquor stores are added to my collection.
If I missed liquor stores worth being shot let me know!
I have developed a unique display for showcasing my photos of liquor store - an LED lightbox. The photo is printed on acrylic and then placed on the lightbox to accentuate the neon signs. See how it looks below and contact me if you are interested to put one on your wall!